Sunday, November 15, 2009


Gardenias, frangipanis, mock orange, white and yellow champaca, Datura in all colours, Mint, Crinum Lillies, Native Gardenias and white Stephanotis and a lovely un-named tree all give forth in a heady mix of perfume.  As the sun hits the All Spice Tree and the false Cardamon a wonderful spicey edge is introduced..

Near the dried out pottery pond, two Sterculia quadrifidas (Peanut tree/Red fruited Kurrajongs) are covered in bright orange fruit and small white flowers.

Frangis love the heat but they also like a drink of water.  The bird baths are full of water and are visited each day by thirsty hot admirers from Honeyeaters and doves to lizards and insects.

The ficus Benjamina at the studio is covered in yellow fruit which attracts large and small birds to eat.  The water dragon perchs incognito on the very thorny Chorissa tree and the Tamarinds ripen on the tree next to a tap.
Thank goodness, as night falls so does the wind and it gets a touch chilly (just enough).

This is the weather for swimming in the ocean and enjoying early morning walks on the beach.

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